“I’m wearing this sash because it’s my BIRTHDAY”

Yes, that title is a direct quote from my birthday and sadly, it was sai

d to many people! These past few days were filled with celebration, smiles, fun and of course PINK! If you saw my blog post yesterday then you would know that  I just turned 20! This weekend I went down to the city (Chicago) where I was joined by some of my best friends. We had food, cake, music and a little party of our own. I can honestly say this was one of the best birthdays that I have ever had! For the celebration I naturally chose a hot pink romper that was slightly scandalous and let me tell you, it was a hit!

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I love how this romper has a low cut in the back and a low cut in the front but, isn’t too revealing. I recommend this for girls who have a smaller bust! I have basically none sadly and had no problem making sure my girls weren’t out all night. Overall my birthday was more than I could’ve asked for and I am feeling so loved and blessed! Check out some pictures from my celebration below. 🙂birthday 3

birthday 2


XOXO, Veronique