I like you but….

These are the dreaded words that I feel like I have heard time and time again. Now I understand that it isn’t completely realistic to have a boyfriend in college when you’re juggling classes, sorority events, and an internship but, it doesn’t hurt to have a companion by your side. Lately it seems like I have had no luck. Time and time again it seems like I am falling for someone who just can’t reciprocate the same feelings or isn’t ready for a relationship. So I’ve decided that this year I am going to date myself. That might sound extremely bizarre and I swear I am not crazy. I just think that this year will be the year to focus solely on me. So my friends,  I challenge you to the same thing. Make sure you spoil yourself everyday and always do what makes you happy. 




P.S. I know this was a short and random post but, it was something that was on my mind.

Organization Station

Every beginning has an end. As August is quickly approaching this means that summer is almost over! It is crazy to believe that in ONE MONTH from tomorrow I will begin classes for my junior year of college. Summer is my favorite season so I am always heartbroken to see it go but, there is nothing I love more than getting ready and organized for school. As someone who has ADD, I know that I learn best when I am organized and scheduled during the school year. These are some of my back-to-school organization tips and tricks! 

1.Have an agenda, and USE IT! Since my college schedule is a bit crazy with 17 credit hours, sorority functions, an internship and additional clubs and events, the only way I can keep track of things is by keeping a color coordinated agenda. I have a different color pen for different aspects of my life. For example, I have a pink pen for all my sorority events and blue pen for all my homework. It is a really functional and cute way to spice up your agenda! This year I will be sporting this Lilly Pulitzer Jumbo Agenda!



2. Color coordinate your notebooks and folders for your classes. Some of my friends think it is really strange that I do this but, I found it to be super helpful when you are running out the door in the morning. For each class I designate a color notebook and folder (both the same color). It helps me keep my school bag more organized and it is really nice to get to class and know exactly which notebook and folder to use!

3. Organize your computer BEFORE school starts! This is probably something I struggle with the most every semester. I never save documents in a specific folder so by the time finals roll around, there are 9384391 documents in no specific place on my computer. In order to prevent this from happening this year, I have made a folder for all of my classes and I am going to try my hardest to save things where they belong!

4. Sticky notes, sticky notes, STICKY NOTES!! These things save me from flunking out of college, seriously! On really busy weeks, I leave sticky notes all over my room, bathroom, kitchen, literally everywhere with a to do list on it! This helps remind me to 1. stay focused on the things I have to complete for that day and 2. complete the things I’m supposed to complete for that day.

5. Have school supplies you really like. I know it sounds weird but, I am 100 times more confident in class if I am using a cute pink notebook instead of a generic one. I’m not saying to spend a ton of money on school supplies that you’ll end up throwing away at the end of the year but, its kind of like my philosophy ‘Dress well, Test well’. I am a firm believer that I do better in my classes when I think my school supplies are cute (this may just be a me thing..!). But seriously, there are some pretty stinking cute notebooks out there!


I hope some of my tips will be helpful to you! Leave a comment below if you want me to do more back-to-school related post! 

XOXO, Veronique